tap tap tap....
this thing on?
Well folks, I am "Turkey Lurkey", your featured reporter today.
For some strange reason every night when I go in my house (yes, I have my own house and no mortgage thank you very much)
someone comes along and locks the fence around my house!
I hate it,
makes me feel so "cooped up" so to speak and I have to wait on someone with hands to come along and help a girl out.....
so I can go where I rightfully belong to spend my day....
Thats me on the left just chatting with my pal "Martha Stewart".
In addition to pooping all over the deck I have another talent my people love...
I lay eggs!
Ta da!
That's right....I have a natural talent not many possess.
I poop edible food out of my butt.
I thought so!
So that is why I can say............