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Friday, August 20, 2010

Ode to August

We have been so busy cutting hay, fertilizing peanuts, planting fall crops, milking cows and just in general meeting ourselves coming and going that I have had a hard time making it to a desk and a computer to blog.

Fortunately for me I have some help....

I have some "guest" bloggers that are willing and able to fill in. They are so fantastic that you may prefer them and never want to hear from me again!

Their photography is exceptional. It was hard to narrow the pictures down to a handful but below are some very special photos. Special because they were taken through the unique lens of a child's eye...

photos by:

Rosy Red Princess

the Littlest Princess


Robot Boy with super powers extraordinaire!

Runaway heifer...she broke through the fence and has been living wild and free around the farm. That needs to stop soon, meanwhile she is enjoying herself very much.

equipment that works

equipment being worked on

grass needs mowed

no words needed:

shoes to fill someday

summer skies

We got a special treat when Robot Boy decided to make us all a snack of his own creation.

The Robot Boy Special
hot dog bun
two saltine crackers laid carefully on the bun
a slice of American cheese ripped in half
and his secret ingredient...
a thick line of whipping cream from a can sprayed down the center.
close the enjoy.

Thanks Robot Boy!

Special thanks also to our star photographers in this "self" photo"

Rosy Red Princess and her sidekick, the littlest princess

~ stay cool everyone, fall is almost here!


  1. Those pictures are absolutely done just like a real pros would do them! And the not hot dog looks delicious, I want some right now! You kids are so good at this blogging you need to stick with it. Loved seeing you in person (picture person that is-you get it right?) Want to see more in the future. Thanks for the hard work and the fun.

  2. That's impressive. I didn't think I'd say that at the beginning of my reading but I think you " Indie " should get some rest and let the princesses do the blogging for you. I'm not saying you're not good. But they're better.

    and Robot chief, nice work.

  3. Thanks Syaf!

    You made Robot Chiefs day by commenting!

    He laughed and was very happy that he has a far away friend in you. :>)

  4. I don't know how I missed this one.

    Good job, kiddos. Love the photos and the new sandwich idea.

    beautiful models too.

  5. Thanks JW

    The kids are loving reading the comments!
