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Saturday, May 16, 2009

We have rain! After weeks of watching the sand blow around the plowed fields and the leaves curl inward on the trees it is finally raining.
Rain means water and water means life but nowhere is this more apparent than when you live on a farm. The weather connection there is clear and immediate. It becomes the focal point of conversation everywhere from the dinner table to the feed store. Without rain everything ceases. The plowed fields lie waiting for the seed. There is no point in planting with no water to put everything in motion.
So today it has rained. A long glorious liquid blessing from the sky.
Now the tractors loaded with seed can begin their work. For us that means planting peanuts.
I wonder what is making other people happy today? For me and mine this long spring anxiously waiting for rain is over. We have rain. And while it may mean that somewhere a ball game got cancelled or a BBQ has been hurridly moved indoors, I do not seem to mind.
Rain makes me happy.
How simple is that?


  1. those 2 raindrops in the piccy look like titties. with sunflower nipples.

  2. those 2 raindrops in the piccy look like titties. with sunflower nipples.

  3. You have such a way with words Evie!
