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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Whimsy

Diamonds and roses

PJs and TV at Nanas

You wear it well...

Eating a lincoln log is SO tiring...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Breaking the Rules

I saw something just a little irregular today on my way to work today...

whats this?

I am driving down a lane between two pastures

straight ahead there are two cows...

notice that they are OUTSIDE

the fence?

This is breaking ALL the country club rules and I must hasten over in my golf cart and remind/reinforce them!

That is Cody on the left and Sarah on the right (and a cowbird in the middle)

Sarah, you are so beautiful...I remember feeding you your first bottle...I knew you were going to be big and go far....and look!

You are big and you have gone far...

outside the fence that is.

And Cody?

We do not keep bulls on a dairy farm.

The only exception to that rule is if a "Rock Star" cow has a bull calf that is from an "Amazing" bull - then and only then will we keep you...

and you are that one in a million Cody,

The problem is we shouldn't have named you Cody

We should have named you wanderlust

or if that isn't a name then maybe Daniel Boone or something

because you are a wanderer

I find you in every field but the one you actually belong in

For the entire last month he put himself in the close up pen - cows that will be birthing within days. So there  were all these big waddling soon to be Mamas and.....Cody!

They get fed a little more, maybe that was the appeal?

So Mr are a sweetheart considering one day you will weigh over a 1000 pounds and be the size of a minivan.

Now you just want to get a scratch behind the ears don't you?

Monday, May 6, 2013


Another irrefutable sign that spring is in full swing is the constant chug and thrum of tractors in the distance.

Here is the John Deere. Breaking ground to plant silage for the late summer and fall.

This picture shows how much has to be plowed but maybe I can get a little closer...

thats a little bit better!

So thats the action on the eastern front, turning west we find the Duetz, the prize of the farm. This tractor is over 70 years old, German made and can outwork anything on the place. It is also the only tractor that will start without a jump off when the temperature drops in to the 20s or below.

This field has already been plowed and what is happening now is it is being tamped down with a big heavy roller. Packing the loose soil helps it retain moisture for the seeds that will be planted.


The cowbirds are the "foremans" of the job on a day like today. They are everywhere at once supervising. They feast on the grasshoppers and other bugs that are sent scurrying by the noise and activity of the equipment.


They are nervy little rascals and will stay on the ground pecking and eating until the very last second before the tractor makes a pass and just barely misses them as the reluctantly take wing only to land again the second the tractor passes by.

The last tractor is smack dab in the middle of the other two and is cutting down the last of the winter oats to be made in to hay. This is cut with a special cutting arm (that white thing near the ground on the right of the tractor) that lays it out like palm fronds so that it will dry faster.

It is night now as I post this.

The tractors are all silent and idle. In place of all the activity and noise, is a quiet stillness. The only proof of their busy day is the warm rich smell of newly turned earth coupled with the tangy scent of cut grass. There is a slight breeze wafting the scent across the fields in a way that begs for windows to be left open. 

Spring has not traditionally been  my favorite time of year....but I have to say, it definitely has its own charm, I think it is growing on me...