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Friday, March 22, 2013

Meet Melly

Its moving day for lil Mz Melly!

Today is the day she gets to leave her individual pen and go live in a group where she will have more freedom and independence.

Melly meets the criteria for the big move into "big girl world". She can drink from a bucket and is eating grain   every day and is past the newborn stage.

Over the years we tried many ways of moving calves but like most things, the simplest is also the easiest. Melly, although she drinks from a bucket, still knows what a bottle is and like all calves LOVES it. So just a bottle of milk and slowly leading to the new home....


gets us to our goal!

Lazzie is thrilled to see Melly coming...they were next door neighbors until Lazzie moved 2 weeks ago, now they can be best buds again.

There is always the same routine when introducing a calf to a new spot...

first they sniff the ground (their nose is a much surer guide to them than their eyes)

Then they realize the freedom....

then finally, the awareness of the other calves...

and finally....

settling in with your BFF to enjoy your new digs.