Carpe diem, a Latin phrase from a poem by Horace.
Carpe literally means "to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather", but in modern usage has come to mean "to enjoy, seize, to make use of".
Sometimes life on a farm can make that saying shall we say....
Sometimes life on a farm can make that saying shall we say....
quite literal?
It always means something when you see this many buzzards hanging out together. I might not have even seen them if it weren't for the snorting indignance of Rio.
You see, Rio doesn't mind sharing his pasture with the other horses but he does not appreciate any other species trespassing in "his" territory. Dogs are chased out with a lowered head and much snorting. Same with the chickens and don't even get him started on the goose!
So while a normal response would be one like the horse on the left, to stare at the woman tramping the field with a black box held up to her face making whirring, clicking sounds, Rio cannot be bothered. Instead he snorts and stares agitatedly over to the right where the invading vultures seem to be unaware of just who they have intruded upon.
With a thundering canter and a swinging head, the vultures reluctantly abandoned their repast (which turned out to be an old bobcat) and retreated to the nearby trees.