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Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's On Your Bucket List?

Here is mine!

At least this was my Friday bucket list.........

when a calf reaches the age of 4 weeks and as long as she/he is drinking milk and water well and eating grain, they get to move to a group pen where they are feed in troughs and can run around and frolic with their friends. That means that they no longer live in an individual pen with a water bucket and grain bucket. So once they move on to bigger and better things, those buckets have to be cleaned for the next occupant. I clean them with a commercial acid/chlorine cleanser in 160 degree water. But the last step is a good old fashioned one....

I sit them out in the sun to dry and let natures sanitizer in the sky do its work.

After a few hours, the clean dry buckets are stacked in the grain room to await new arrivals.

I love the little bright bubbles of color against the fading autumn grass...

Life, like the seasons, moving on...

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