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Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome 2010 - Winter Has Arrived!

Its not often here in the deep south that we get extended freezing temperatures. This cold front that currently is sweeping the East coast has reached its icy grip all the way down to us and look what we have!

Icy beauty!

We spent the last day of the year eating mac&cheese, chips and jelly beans while playing hand after hand of "Speed" Hearts" and "Go Fish".

At the crack of midnight we took a ride in the golf cart across the hay fields and watched our city neighbors to the left fire off New Years fire crackers whilst our country neighbors to the right fired off shot guns to celebrate the new year.

The "blue moon" was shy and obscured by clouds.

The weather forecasters said that meant cold weather was coming...

The first day of the new year dawned bright and icy and shining with promise, Bringing with it hot chocolate for breakfast....
and cookies!

Followed by time to gear up and feed a lot of hungry livestock.

This is The Princess' first time ever driving a tractor by herself, under the watchful eye of her uncle.

While it is a first, this is also the 5th generation in our family to feel tractor wheels rolling against the ground under their hand.

I hope I didn't ruin the moment for her by chasing beside her with her younger brother driving, while I leaned periously over the edge, camera gripped in my hands, taking pictures and recording for posterity....


  1. mmmmm those cookies literally made my mouth water! they are my favoites! now i have to look for your pic of the blue moon. i saw that moon last week and i wondered to myself if it was a full moon and figured out by poem (30 days past september, april, may and november.....) that there would be 31 days in january so it must have been! then i forgot about it until now. so thank your for getting a picture of it!!!

  2. You are welcome Marmie (smile)

    The cookies were delicious (I had ONE)

    The Bluemoon post is here
